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Table 1 Example of Chinese EMRs

From: An attention-based deep learning model for clinical named entity recognition of Chinese electronic medical records

Chinese electronic medical record text

缘于入院前20余日于我院诊为乙状结肠癌, 在全麻下行乙状结肠癌根治术, 术中见:腹腔内无明显腹水, 腹腔、盆腔、大网膜无明显转移结节, 肝脏质地大小正常, 未触及肿物, 胆囊未触及结石。

More than 20 days before hospitalization, the patient was diagnosed with sigmoid colon cancer in our hospital and radical resection of sigmoid colon cancer was performed under general anesthesia. Intraoperative findings: No obvious ascites was found in abdominal cavity; no obvious metastatic nodules were found in abdominal cavity, pelvic cavity or omentum; the texture and size of liver were normal and no tumors were touched; no gallbladder stone was touched.