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Table 1 Evaluation Scale of Apps

From: Quality analysis of smart phone sleep apps in China: can apps be used to conveniently screen for obstructive sleep apnea at home?

Evaluation Scale

Scientific Basis

 1) Electroencephalography (EEG)

 2) Electrooculography (EOG)

 3) Electrocardiography (ECG)

 4) Chin Electromyography

 5) Nasal-oral airflow

 6) Chest and abdominal piezoelectric band

 7) Pulse oximetry

 8) Actigraphy

 9) Anterior tibialis electromyography

 10) Sleep report including sleep structure

 11) Sleep report including Sleep stages

 12) Oxygen saturation

 13) Cardiac events

 14) Respiratory events

 15) Questionnaires to evaluate clinical symptoms

 16) Other complication (e.g., hypertension, cognitive dysfunction, type 2 diabetes and others)

Functionality and Usability

 1) Smart Alarm clock

 2) Sleep Knowledge

 3) Sleep Aid

 4) Sleep Diary

 5) Personal Information

 6) Communication Platform

 7) Consulting the doctors

 8) Fitness tracking

 9) Blood Pressure Monitoring

 10) Snoring monitoring

 11) Whether the app required other equipment to monitor sleep condition


 1) Authors credited

 2) Authors’ affiliations

 3) Authors’ credentials

 4) Information sources given

 5) References given

 6) App ownership disclosed

 7) Sponsorship disclosed

 8) Application modified in the previous month

 9) Creation or last modification date specified