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Table 6 Results of the scenario analysis for the baseline case (i.e. 40% pull patients)

From: Improving workflow control in radiotherapy using discrete-event simulation


Average WT days (95% CI)

# patients breaching WT target (95% CI)

# first fraction rebooks (95% CI)

Baseline (DES model)

7.8 (7.5, 8.1)

87.7 (68.1, 107.4)

69.5 (65.9, 73.2)

Spread consultation slots over the week

6.2 (6.1, 6.3)

22.5 (19.0, 26.0)

60.7 (56.4, 65.1)

No pre-allocation for CT

6.4 (6.4, 6.5)

37.1 (31.8, 42.4)

65.6 (62.4, 68.8)

Balance doctor availability for contouring

7.8 (7.5, 8.0)

80.9 (66.1, 95.6)

76.9 (73.4, 80.5)

Increase automated planning by 16.4%

7.7 (7.4, 7.9)

74.2 (61.0, 87.4)

67.5 (62.9, 72.2)

One more full-time P4 planner

7.7 (7.4, 7.9)

77.3 (62.3, 92.4)

64.3 (60.3, 68.2)