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Table 1 Shared Decision Making measured by DQW-HD, DCS and CollaboRATE

From: Shared decision making when patients consider surgery for lumbar herniated disc: development and test of a patient decision aid




DQW-HD (knowledge), (mean (SD))

42.69 (19,3)

0 = No knowledge

100 = Best possible knowledge

DQW-HD (Decision process), (mean (SD))

76.39 (22,75)

0 = No engagement in the decision

100 = Best possible engagement in the decision

DCS, (mean (SD))

18 (12,41)

0 = No Decisional conflict

100 = Extreme decisional conflict

DCS, (n (%)):

score < 25

score 25–37.5

score > 37.5

25 (64.1)

11 (28.2)

3 (7.7)

Scores lower than 25 are associated with implementing decisions. Scores beyond 37.5 are associated with decision delay or feeling unsure about the decision.

CollaboRATE, (mean (SD))

8.45 (1,01)

1 = No effort was made

9 = Every effort was made

CollaboRATE top score (%)a


0 = No SDM

100 = Gold standard of SDM

  1. The numbers presented in this table indicates the level of SDM before testing a PtDA in the current clinic. The scores of HQW-HD and DCS are calculated on n = 39 and CollaboRATE on n = 38
  2. aThe topscore is the number of patients who have responded 9 to all three of the CollaboRATE items, meaning every effort was made to make a shared decision