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Table 2 Adherence to key CAN guideline activities (%, n) per method

From: Effects of a computerised guideline support tool on child healthcare professionals’ response to suspicions of child abuse and neglect: a community-based intervention trial

Key guideline activities

Health records




Control region (n = 50)

Intervention region (n = 102)

Control group (n = 25)

Intervention group (n = 24)

1. Risk assessment based on protective and risk factors

6% (3)

3% (3)

t(150) =0.91, p = .37

100% (25)

100% (24)

2. Discussing suspicions with caregiver(s) and/or child

98% (49)

100% (100)

t(150) = −0.16, p = .99

100% (25)

100% (24)

3. Consulting an in-house expert on child abuse and neglect

80% (40)

85% (87)

t(150) = −0.79, p = .41

96% (24)

96% (23)

t(47) = 0.03, p = .98

4. Consulting the regional child protection service: the Advice and Reporting Centre

82% (41)

81% (83)

t(150) = 0.09, p = .93

84% (21)

96% (23)

t(47) = −1.37, p = .18

5. Requesting information from professionals outside the child healthcare organisation who are also involved with the family

96% (48)

93% (95)

t(150) = 0.70, p = .49

100% (25)

96% (23)

t(47) = 1.00, p = .33

6. Acting: providing support, referring the family to other organisations for support or reporting suspicions to the Advice and Reporting Centre

100% (50)

98% (99)a

t(150) = 1.42, p = .16

100% (25)

100% (24)

7. Monitoring the support that is provided to the family and taking action again if the support is inadequate

88% (44)

83% (84)a

t(149) = 0.77, p = .44

96% (21b)

100% (23c)

t(43) = −1.00, p = .33

  1. a n = 101 because of one missing value; b n = 21 because of 3 missing values; c n = 23 because of one missing value