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Table 5 Sample pairs from error analysis

From: Detection of medical text semantic similarity based on convolutional neural network

Sample pair No.

Imaging report content (Chinese)

Imaging report content (English)

Pathologic report content (Chinese)

Pathologic report content (English)

True label

Predict label


于左肾下极腹侧可见多个囊性为主的混合性回声, 相互融合, 较大之一约17.1 × 17.0 mm(局部凸向肾外), 靠近肾盏之一大小约14.2 × 14.6 mm, 形态欠规则, 表面光整, 境界欠清, 囊内无回声透声尚可, 分布欠均, 可见分隔样回声, 间隔及囊壁未见明显增粗, 囊内及囊壁可见点状、带状强回声, 团块后方回声无明显改变, CFI示未见明显血流信号。

Multiple cystic mixed echoes can be observed in the ventral side of the inferior pole of left kidney, which fuse with each other. The largest one is about 17.1 × 17.0 mm (which protrudes out locally from the kidney), and the one near the renal pelvis is about 14.2 × 14.6 mm. The shape of the cysts is irregular, the surface is smooth, and the boundary is not clear. There are no echoes in the cysts, the sound transmission is normal, but the echogenicity is inhomogeneous, and septations can be observed. There is no obvious thickening for both septations and walls of the cysts. Punctate and banded strong echoes can be observed inside the cysts and on the wall of the cysts. There is no obvious lesion behind the cysts, and CFI showed no obvious blood flow signal.

肿物两枚, 直径1cm, 暗黄色, 质中。另见肾上腺组织, 大小2.5*1.5*1.5 cm, 暗红色, 质中。(左肾上腺)倾向皮质结节状增生。

The specimen for pathological examination contains two masses and one adrenal tissue. The diameter of masses is 1 cm, the color is dark yellow, and the texture is medium level. The size of adrenal tissue is 2.5 × 1.5 × 1.5 cm, the color is dark red, and the texture are medium level. (Left adrenal gland) favor a diagnosis of nodular adrenal cortical hyperplasia.




左侧腋下见数个淋巴结样回声区, 大者11mm*5 mm, 边界清, 有包膜, 形态规则, 内部结构清晰, 未见明显血流信号。左侧腋下可见多个淋巴结。

There are several lymphoid echoes under the left armpit, the largest one is 11 mm × 5 mm, the boundary is clear, the capsule is regular, the internal structure is clear. There is no obvious blood flow signal. Multiple lymph nodes can be seen in the left armpit.

脂肪组织, 大小3.5*3*1 cm, 找见淋巴结两枚。(右腋下淋巴结)淋巴结(0/1)未见癌转移。免疫组化:(右腋下淋巴结)淋巴结(0/1)未见癌转移。

The specimen for pathological examination contains one fat tissue. The size of fat tissue is 3.5 × 3 × 1 cm, and two lymph nodes can be seen in the tissue. (The lymph node of right armpit) lymph node (0/1) show no metastasis. Immunohistochemical staining method: (the lymph node of right armpit) lymph node (0/1) show no metastasis.

