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Table 1 Dataset Description (Cohort Characteristics)

From: On the interpretability of machine learning-based model for predicting hypertension


49+/− 12



12,694 (55%)


10,401 (45%)



4694 (20%)


18401 (80%)

Reason for Test

 Chest Pain

12581 (54%)

 Shortness of Breath

1956 (8%)


255 (1%)

 Known Coronary Artery Disease

524 (2%)

 Rule out Ischemia

2286 (10%)

 Abnormal prior test

1004 (4%)


 Peak METS (Mean +/− SD)

10.2 +/− 2.79

 Resting Systolic Blood Pressure (Mean +/− SD)

124 +/− 17

 Resting Diastolic Blood Pressure (Mean +/− SD)

79 +/− 10

 Resting Heart rate (Mean +/− SD) beat per minute (bpm)

73 +/− 12

 Peak Diastolic Blood Pressure (Mean +/− SD)

82 +/− 13

 Peak Heart Rate (Mean +/− SD) beat per minute (bpm)

159 +/− 17

Past Medical History


1887 (8%)

 History of Smoking

9,518 (41%)

 Family History

11,865 (51%)

 History of Hyperlipidemia

7,769 (34%)

 History of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft

314 (1%)