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Table 4 Additional items deemed as hazards by participants

From: Falls Sensei: a serious 3D exploration game to enable the detection of extrinsic home fall hazards for older adults






Mats I think are ambiguous, because unless they are completely fixed to the floor, you know, they’re trip hazards.


Layout of furniture

The edge of the desk is just beyond the door. So you walk in and hit… for furniture you want rounded corners.


Layout of furniture

That furniture is partly obstructing the door way… someone who has designed the game hasn’t thought about that.



The [bathroom] door opens that way, does it? So it opens… it could hit you in the back or something.


Swivel office chair

Oh, that’s a funny object: that chair. They swivel and if you hold on to it and it swivels… if you’re not too steady on your pins, it could potentially throw you off balance.


Positioning of ‘safe’ bath rail

I would’ve suggested it [the bath rail] should be lower. You’re never going to reach that in a sitting position.


Positioning of ‘safe’ bath rail

Oh, very high that rail, isn’t it!


Positioning of ‘safe’ toilet roll

I don’t think the toilet is necessarily a fall hazard, but certainly where the toilet roll is… reaching.


Table in Lounge

This table looks uneven to me, because it seems to be balanced on something… is that a trip hazard? It could lead to a fall.


Cooking oil by stove

This object [oil] is in a safe place? But it’s right next to the cooker!


Cooking oil by stove

Would you put it [oil] there… I don’t think so. You get flames coming out of the saucepan, and heat.


Lack of pull cord in bathroom

Yeah, but I’ll tell you also, inside a bathroom, you shouldn’t have a finger switch.


Lack of pull cord in bathroom

But you’re not allowed to have a light inside the bathroom, I know that because we build our own ourselves.


Wooden Stairs

Your stairs did look as though they were just wood and that could be, you know, you might slip on stairs - it might be better if they have a carpet.


Balusters on stairs too far apart

Somebody could fall through the stairs - there’s quite a few - the gaps in the stairs are quite wide, really, aren’t they?