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Table 3 Examples of CWS and POS tagging representation using tagging schema “BMES”

From: A fine-grained Chinese word segmentation and part-of-speech tagging corpus for clinical text

Word segmentation

BMES tags


(Left eye’s vision have declined for several years)


(do complete blood count test)

左/S 眼/S 视/B 力/E 下/B 降/E 数/S 年/S

(左-left, 眼-eye, 视力-vision, 下降-decline, 数-several, 年-year)

查/S 血/B 常/M 规/E

(查-do ... test, 血常规-complete blood count)

Word segmentation and POS tagging

BMES tags


(Left eye’s vision have declined for several years)

左/S-JJ 眼/S-NN 视/B-NN 力/E-NN 下/B-VV 降/E-VV 数/S-CD 年/S-M

(左-left, 眼-eye, 视力-vision, 下降-decline, 数-several, 年-year)


(do complete blood count test)

查/S-VV 血/B-NN 常/M-NN 规/E-NN

(查-do ... test, 血常规-complete blood count)