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Table 2 Criteria used for inclusion and exclusion of the studies in the review

From: Multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) in health care: a systematic review of the main characteristics and methodological steps

Inclusion criteria

 Inclusion criteria for title and abstract

Inclusion criteria for full text

  Is a health intervention aided by the MCDA.

  The MCDA is structured according to the steps proposed by Diaby and Goeree (2014); Provide the necessary information for analysis of general data and methodological steps.

Exclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria for title and abstract

Full text exclusion criteria

  Does not present abstract; Does not present the full text available; Be a review article; Does not be an MCDA application and / nor Does; Not be MCDA application in the health area.

  Be an MCDA application, however: Does not follow the steps outlined above; Does not make clear the structuring of the problem; Does not make clear the criteria and their origin; Does not present decision matrix; Does not present the quantitative weighting of the criteria; Presents a purely mathematical model.