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Fig. 1 | BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making

Fig. 1

From: Identification of research hypotheses and new knowledge from scientific literature

Fig. 1

An example of two sentences, one containing events and the other containing one relation. The first sentence shows two events. The first event in the sentence concerns the term ‘activation’ which is a type of positive regulation. The theme of this event is ‘NF-kappaB’, indicating that this protein is being activated. The next event in the sentence is centered around ‘dependent’ which is a type of positive regulation. This event has the cause ‘oxidative stress’ and its theme is the first event in the sentence. The example of a relation between two entities is, in contrast to the event, clearly much more simple. The relation indicates that NPTN is related to Schizophrenia in a relation that can be categorised as ‘Target-Disorder’

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