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Table 2 Proportion of computed tomography ordering in clinician medical image order decisions

From: Effect of clinical decision rules, patient cost and malpractice information on clinician brain CT image ordering: a randomized controlled trial


Case #1

Case #2


Initial choice (Initial order)

CCHR (2nd order)

Legal (3rd order for Legal-Cost group; or 4th order for Cost-Legal group)

Cost (4thorder for Legal-Cost group; or 3rd order for Cost-Legal group)

Final choice (5th order)

Both groups

n (%)

116 (66.9%)

76 (45.8%)

85 (52.5%)

80 (47.9%)

109 (65.7%)

(n = 167)



Initial vs. CCHR: 0.002

Initial vs. Legal: 0.002

Initial vs. Cost: 0.002

Initial vs. Final: 1.00


n (%)

56 (68.3%)

36 (43.9%)

38 (49.4%)

39 (47.6%)

50 (61.0%)

(n = 82)



Initial vs. CCHR: 0.003

Initial vs. Legal: 0.05

CCHR vs. Legal: 0.8

Initial vs. Cost: 0.01

Legal vs. Cost: 1.00

Initial vs. Final: 1.00


n (%)

60 (71.4%)

40 (47.6%)

47 (55.3%)

41 (48.2%)

59 (70.2%)

(n = 85)



Initial vs. CCHR: 0.002

Initial vs. Legal: 0.05

Cost vs. Legal: 1.00

Initial vs. Cost: 0.002

CCHR vs. Cost: 1.00

Initial vs. Final: 1.00

  1. Abbreviations: CCHR Canadian CT Head Rule
  2. *P-values were calculated using McNemar test and a multiple comparison adjustment was performed using Bonferroni correction
  3. aLEGAL-COST indicates exposure to legal then cost information
  4. bCOST-LEGAL indicates exposure to cost then legal information