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Table 2 Features extracted from physiological signals

From: Subject-independent emotion recognition based on physiological signals: a three-stage decision method

Feature index

Notation of the extracted features

No. 1-448 EEG time and frequency-domain features (14 feature types × 32 channels)

Mean, Var, peak-to-peak amplitude, Skewness, Kurtosis


Average PSD in theta (4-7 Hz), alpha (8-15 Hz),beta (16-31 Hz), gamma (32-45 Hz), beta/theta, beta/alpha


Three Hjorth parameters: mobility, activity and complexity

No. 449-504 EEG hemispheric asymmetry (4 feature types Ă— 14 channel pairs)

Difference of average PSD in theta, alpha, beta and gamma bands for 14 channel pairs between right and left scalp

No. 505-600 EEG nonlinear features (3 feature types × 32 channels)

Spectral Entropy, Shannon Entropy and C0 complexity

No. 601-608 EOG features (4 feature types × 2 channels)

Mean, Var, peak-to-peak amplitude, Energy

No. 609-642 EMG features (17 feature types × 2 channels)

Mean, Var, Total spectral power


1Diff-Mean, 1Diff-Median, 1Diff-Min, 1Diff-Var, 1Diff-Max, 1Diff-MinRatio, 1Diff-MaxRatio


2Diff-Mean, 2Diff-Median, 2Diff-Min, 2Diff-Var, 2Diff-Max, 2Diff-MinRatio, 2Diff-MaxRatio

No. 643-646 TMP features (4 feature types × 1 channel)

Mean, 1Diff-Mean, Spectral power in the bands (0-0.1 Hz) and (0.1-0.2 Hz)

No. 647-666 BVP features (20 feature types × 1 channel)

Hr-Mean, Hr-Var, Hr-Range


Hrv-Mean, Hrv-Var, Hrv-Min, Hrv-Max, Hrv-Range, Hrv-pNN50


HrvDistr-Mean, HrvDistr-Median, HrvDistr-Var, HrvDistr-Min, HrvDistr-Max, HrvDistr-Range, HrvDistr-Triind


PSD in bands (0-0.2 Hz), (0.2-0.4 Hz), (0.4-0.6 Hz), and (0.6-0.8 Hz) of Hrv

No. 667-721 RSP features (55 feature types × 1 channel)

Mean, Var, Range, MaxRatio


1Diff-Mean, 1Diff-Median, 1Diff-Var, 1Diff-Range, 1Diff-MaxRatio


2Diff-Mean, 2Diff-Median, 2Diff-Var, 2Diff-Range, 2Diff-MaxRatio


RSPPulse-Mean, RSPPulse-Var, RSPPulse-Range, RSPPulse-MaxRatio


RSPPulse-1Diff-Mean, RSPPulse-1Diff-Median, RSPPulse-1Diff-Var, RSPPulse-1Diff-Min, RSPPulse-1Diff-Max, RSPPulse-1Diff-Range, RSPPulse-1Diff-MaxRatio


RSPPulse-2Diff-Mean, RSPPulse-2Diff-Median, RSPPulse-2Diff-Var, RSPPulse-2Diff-Min, RSPPulse-2Diff-Max, RSPPulse-2Diff-Range, RSPPulse-2Diff-MaxRatio


RSPAmpl-Mean, RSPAmpl-Var, RSPAmpl-Range, RSPAmpl-MaxRatio


RSPAmpl-1Diff-Mean, RSPAmpl-1Diff-Median, RSPAmpl-1Diff-Var, RSPAmpl-1Diff-Min, RSPAmpl-1Diff-Max, RSPAmpl-1Diff-Range, RSPAmpl-1Diff-MaxRatio


RSPAmpl-2Diff-Mean, RSPAmpl-2Diff-Median, RSPAmpl-2Diff-Var, RSPAmpl-2Diff-Min, RSPAmpl-2Diff-Max, RSPAmpl-2Diff-Range, RSPAmpl-2Diff-MaxRatio


PSD in the bands (0-0.1 Hz), (0.1-0.2 Hz), (0.2-0.3 Hz), and (0.3-0.4 Hz), Ratio of PSD in the band (0-0.25 Hz) to PSD in the band (0.25-0.45 Hz)

No. 722-742 GSR features (21 feature types Ă— 1 channel)

Rising time, Decay time


Sc-Mean, Sc-Median, Sc-Var, Sc-MinRatio, Sc-MaxRatio


Sc-1Diff-Mean, Sc-1Diff-Median, Sc-1Diff-Var, Sc-1Diff-Min, Sc-1Diff-Max, Sc-1Diff-MinRatio, Sc-1Diff-MaxRatio


Sc-2Diff-Mean, Sc-2Diff-Median, Sc-2Diff-Var, Sc-2Diff-Min, Sc-2Diff-Max, Sc-2Diff-MinRatio, Sc-2Diff-MaxRatio

  1. MaxRatio: number of maxima divided by the total number of signal values, MinRatio: number of minima divided by the total number of signal values, 1Diff: approximation of first derivation, 2Diff: approximation of second derivation, Range: maximum-minimum, RSPPulse: pulse signal of RSP, RSPAmpl: amplitude signal of RSP, Sc: skin conductance, Hr: heart rate, Hrv: heart rate variability, pNN50: number of pairs of adjacent NN intervals differing by more than 50ms in the entire recording divided by the total number of NN intervals, HrvDistr: distribution of NN intervals, HrvDistr-Triind: total number of all NN intervals divided by the height of the histogram of all NN intervals, Var: variance, PSD: power spectral density