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Table 2 Description of variables

From: Evaluation of data quality of interRAI assessments in home and community care







Activities of Daily Living Hierarchy

Categorizes ADL loss according to disablement process

0 (no impairment) – 6 (total dependence)

≥ 3 (Extensive assistance needed to total dependence)

ADL Long Form

Activities of Daily Living – Long Form

Sum of seven items assessing performance of ADLs

0 (independent in all ADLs) – 28 (completely dependent in all ADLs)



Changes in Health, End-Stage Disease, Signs, and Symptoms Scale

Measure of health instability, identifies individuals at risk of serious decline

0 (no at all unstable) – 5 (highly unstable)



Case Mix Index

Cost weight value assigned to each RUG-III/HC group that reflects the relative resource use per day of an individual within that group compared to the overall average resource use per day within a specific population

0.45 (cost is 0.45 times that of overall average) – 5.75 (cost is 5.75 times that of overall average)



Cognitive Performance Scale

Reflects cognition, based on memory impairment, level of consciousness, and executive function

0 (intact) - 6 (severe impairment)

≥ 3 (moderate to severe impairment)


Depression Rating Scale

Measures signs and symptoms of depression

0 (no mood symptoms) – 14 (all mood symptoms present in last 3 days)

≥ 3 (presence of symptoms of moderate to severe depression)

IADL Performance Scale

Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Performance Scale

Sum of three items assessing performance of IADLs

0 (independent in all IADLs) – 9 (completely dependent in all IADLs)

≥ 3 (at least some help needed with IADLs)

IADL Capacity Scale

Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Capacity Scale

Sum of three items assessing capacity to perform IADLs

0 (no difficulty to perform all IADLs) – 6 (great difficulty to perform all IADLs)

≥ 3 (some or great difficulty to perform IADLs)


Method for Assigning Priority Levels

Differentiates clients into levels based on risk of adverse outcomes, highly correlated with need for long-term care, caregiver distress, and client considered to be better off living in another setting

0 (self-reliant, no major problems in function, cognition, behaviours or environment) – 5 (presence of ADL impairment, cognitive impairment, wandering, behaviour problems)

≥ 3 (moderate to high risk of long-term care placement and/or caregiver distress)

Pain Scale


Uses two measures of pain (frequency and intensity) to create summary score

0 (no pain) – 3 (daily severe pain)



Resource Utilization Groups –Home Care

Reflects relative intensity of services and supports a client is likely to use

Assigns clients to groups within categories (44 groups)
