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Table 4 Association between practice-specific parameters (predictors) and information quality. Generalized linear modelling was performed to assess associations. Practice-specific parameters were entered simultaneously. Overall and domain-specific information quality (as outcomes) are given in the left column. Regression coefficients and 95% confidence intervals (in parentheses) are shown. Statistically significant associations are highlighted in bold

From: German dentists’ websites on periodontitis have low quality of information


Model fit (likelihood, p-value)

Practice type (ref: single owner)

Area (ref. rural)

Age of owner (ref. <50)

Specialized (ref: yes)

Technical/ functional aspects

7.39, p = 0.29

0.18 (−6.93/7.28)

−8.30 (−22.6/6.00)

−5.05 (−12.30/2.19)

1.69 (−5.98/9.36)

Generic quality and risk of bias

5.78, p = 0.45

0.48 (−5.24/6.20)

−1.00 (−12.5/10.5)

−3.13 (−8.95/2.70)

2.07 (−4.10/8.25)

Etiologic factors for periodontitis

1.83, p = 0.94

8.08 (−5.81/21.9)

0.57 (−27.4/28.6)

2.48 (−11.7/16.7)

1.60 (−13.4/16.6)

Prognostic factors

5.79, p = 0.44

5.24 (−2.88/13.4)

7.11 (−9.24/23.5)

0.23 (−8.06/8.51)

−6.58 (−15.4/2.19)

Diagnostic process

16.6, p = 0.01

0.75 (0.44/1.06)

−0.19 (−0.82/0.44)

−0.05 (−0.31/0.21)

−0.35 (−0.61/−0.09)

Treatment stages

6.40, p = 0.38

6.44 (−14.4/27.1)

−15.9 (−57.7/25.9)

14.3 (−6.90/35.4)

−9.44 (−31.9/12.9)

Tooth retention or removal

5.57, p = 0.47

−0.65 (−2.13/0.82)

0.84 (−2.13/3.81)

−0.28 (−1.78/1.23)

−1.18 (−2.77/0.42)


6.41; p = 0.38

3.46 (−2.34/9.27)

−1.77 (−13.4/9.92)

−0.53 (−6.44/5.39)

−2.19 (−8.46/4.08)