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Table 2 Specific requests for Health Education in four health topics in Stage 2 (MA denotes Male Adults, FA - Female Adults, MY - Male Youth, FY - Female Youth)

From: Using participatory methods to design an mHealth intervention for a low income country, a case study in Chikwawa, Malawi



Family Planning


Food groups

[MA, FA, FY]

Hand Hygiene [MA, MY, FY]

Advantages to Family Planning [FA, MY, FY]

Prevention [MA,FA, MY, FY]

How to prepare a balanced meal [MA, MY, FY]

Toilet Practicesa [MA, FA, MY]

Inclusion of Men in Family Planning Education [MA, FA, MY, FY]

HIV Testing [MY, FY]

Nutrition for people living with HIV [MA]

Kitchen Hygiene [MA, MY, FY]

Contraception methods and side effects [MA, FA, MY, FY]

Treatment [MA, FY]


Personal Hygieneb [MA, FY]

Child Spacing [MA, FA, MY, FY]


Disease prevention [MA, MY]

STI’s [MY, FY]


Safe Motherhood/Early Pregnancy [FA, MY]

  1. aToilet practices examples include washing hands after use, keeping the toilet clean and not practicing open defecation
  2. bPersonal hygiene examples include taking a daily bath and general cleanliness