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Table 1 Key words group for CTCF retrieving and recognition

From: Enriching the international clinical nomenclature with Chinese daily used synonyms and concept recognition in physician notes

Key words group



Time Period

Matching the time duration phrase.



Matching the numbers in describing time duration.

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,半(half),一(one),二(two),三(three),+(more than)…

Modifier in CTCF

Some modifiers which mingled within CTCF could be ignored in the recognition task.

持续(constantly),逐渐(gradually),明显(obviously), 稍显(slightly),反复(recurrently)…

Exception with context

Some phrases, even matched, were invalid with context.

抗乙肝药物(anti-HBV drugs), 多尿期(the polyuria stage),最高血压(the highest blood pressure)…