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Table 2 Attributes of (a) cancer and (b) Tumor phenotypes

From: An information model for computable cancer phenotypes


Cancer Phenotype

Cancer Type

carcinoma, sarcoma, etc.

Histologic Type

ductal, lobular, etc.

Tumor Extent

in-situ, invasive, etc.

Cancer Stage

Stage I, Stage IIA, etc.

T Classification

Primary Tumor Classification (pTis, T2a, etc.)

N Classification

Regional lymph node classification (pNx, N1, etc.)

M Classification

Distant metastasis classification (M0, M1, etc.)


Clinical and Molecular classifications of the cancer (hypercalcemia, hypercoaguability, etc.)


Tumor Phenotype

Cancer Type

by cell of origin (carcinoma, sarcoma, etc.)

Histologic Type

ductal, lobular, etc.

Tumor Extent

in-situ, invasive, etc.


Clinical and Molecular classifications of the tumor (size, receptor status, Nottingham score, etc.)