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Fig. 5 | BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making

Fig. 5

From: An information model for computable cancer phenotypes

Fig. 5

An example abstraction rule and its expression in SWRL. Summarization rules convert assertions extracted from individual documents into higher-level summaries. (1) A subset of the upper-levels of the information model showing key concepts in representation of both instance and summary models. (2) A mapping of those concepts to levels in the information model. (3) A subset of the elements used in a Patient/Phentoype level summary. (4) A graphical example of a rule taking instances (5) and transforming them into a summary representation (6). This rule indicates that the value of a FISH test will take precedence over results of an IHC test. This rule is given in English (7), SWRL (8), and Drools (9)

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