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Table 1 Characteristics of included studies

From: Impact of electronic medication reconciliation interventions on medication discrepancies at hospital transitions: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Author, Year

Country, Setting

Study design

Participant size

Target of transition

Components of intervention

Length of study

Medications assessed

Verification of discrepancy

Main results

Agrawal 2009 [35]

USA, Tertiary care academic hospital


19,476 patients


Multidisciplinary admission medication reconciliation, computerized reminder alert

17 ½ months

Prescription and non-prescription medications


At least 1 unintended discrepancy: 20 % (Pre) vs. 1.4 % (Post)

Drug omission was the most common type of discrepancy in both phases

Allison 2015 [36]

USA, Academic tertiary care facility


200 patients


Electronic discharge medication reconciliation, staff training




At least 1 antibiotic error: 23 % (Pre) vs. 11 % (Post)

Percentage of medications with errors: 30 % (Pre) vs. 15 % (Post)

Dosage errors were the most common type of medication error in both phases

Boockvar 2010 [37]

USA, Three academic centers


469 patients

Nursing home to hospital transfer (admission)

Structured review


Prescription medications


No difference, with and without EHR, in medication discrepancies (mean difference 0.02; 95 % CI - 0.81 to 0.85) and a high-risk discrepancies (mean difference −0.18; 95 % CI −0.22 to 0.58) per hospitalization episode, and an ADE caused by a medication discrepancy (OR 0.96; 95 % CI 0.18 to 5.01)

46 % of prescribing discrepancies resulted in ADEs were due to drug omissions

Gimeneze- Manzorro 2011 [42]

Spain, Tertiary care hospital


3,781 medications


Computerized reconciliation tool integrated in a CPOE program

6 months



Percentage of medications with discrepancies: 7.24 % (Pre) vs. 4.18 % (Post)

Drug omission was the most frequent unintended discrepancy in both phases

Omission errors: 5.8 % (Pre) vs. 3.4 % (Post)

Gimeneze- Manzorro 2015 [43]

Spain, University general hospital


191 patients


Nurses gather BPMH via an electronic reconciliation tool, use of CPOE

6 months

Prescription medications


At least 1 unintended discrepancy: 40.2 % (Pre) vs. 38.1 % (Post)

Medications with unintended discrepancies: 10.6 % (Pre) vs. 6.6 % (Post)

Of all unintended discrepancies, 144 (86.2 %) were due to drug omissions

Omission errors: 9.2 % (Pre) vs. 5.6 % (Post)

Kramer 2007 [38]

USA, General medical unit


283 patients

Admission, discharge

Pharmacists and nurses collaborated to electronically complete admission and discharge medication reconciliation, discharge medication counselling

13 months

Prescription, non-prescription and herbal supplements


Post-implementation, patients took significantly more prescription and nonprescription medications.

Murphy 2009 [39]

USA, Academic medical center


SU, 149 discharges; MU, 134 discharges

Admission, discharge

Multidisciplinary MedRec using an electronic tool

2 ½ months

Prescription and non-prescription medications


Percentage of medications with unintended discrepancies: 90 % (Pre) vs. 47 % (Post) [SU]; 57 % (Pre) vs. 33 % (Post) [MU]

On the surgical unit, omitted home medications (reduced from 21 % of orders to 0 %), omitted inpatient medications (from 8 to 1 %) and in the medical unit, omitted home and inpatient medications were both reduced from 11 to 0 %.

Schnipper 2009 [40]

USA, Two academic hospitals


322 patients

Admission, discharge

IT designed MedRec integrated into the CPOE system, interdisciplinary medication reconciliation intervention comprising novel IT and process re-design, supportive roles (e.g. training)




Mean number of medication discrepancies with a potential for harm per patient: 1.44 (C) vs. 1.05 (I) [RR 0.72 (0.52–0.99)]

Poole 2006 [41]

USA, Community hospital


100 patients


Formation of a medication list from pre-existing electronic sources and reconciliation of discharge medications with this list

6 months

prescription medications


Statistically significant improvement with intervention vs. control in at least 1 outcome in this category; i.e., drug frequency, dose and therapeutic duplication

Resolution of discrepancies in frequency increased by 65 %

Resolution of discrepancies in dosages improved by 60 %

Resolution of therapeutic duplication was addressed in 58 % of cases

Zoni 2012 [44]

Spain, University general hospital


162 patients


IT-designed MedRec, clinical sessions and training

12 months

Regular medications, OTC and homeopathic products


Percentage of medications with unintended discrepancies:3.5 % (Pre) vs. 1.8 % (Post)

At least 1 unintended discrepancy: 23.7 % (Pre) vs. 14.6 % (Post)

Drug omission was the most common unintended discrepancy

Omission error: 2.6 % (Post) vs. 2 % (Pre)

  1. ADE adverse drug event, BPMH best possible medication history, CPOE computerized physician order entry, C control, EHR electronic health record, I intervention, IT information technology, MedRec medication reconciliation, MU medical unit, NR not reported, OR odds ratio, OTC over-the-counter, Pre pre-implementation, Post post-implementation, RCT randomized controlled trial, RR relative risk, SU surgical unit