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Fig. 7 | BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making

Fig. 7

From: Improving the recognition of grips and movements of the hand using myoelectric signals

Fig. 7

Combined confusion matrix for all 3 subjects for Approach 1 - Random Forest. Classes listed in the rows are the ground truth for one word instance. The total number of predicted classes for all subjects are shown in the cells corresponding to the class in the columns. Higher numbers (50+) are shown in green, moderate numbers (15–49) in yellow, smaller (5–14) in gray, and fewer than 5 in white. Note strong green along the diagonal, indicating correct predictions. Many incorrect predictions are clustered near their action group (e.g., hammer, tip pinch, 3-jaw-chuck). Note the confusion between the tip pinch group (TPx) and neutral/rest (NR)

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