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Table 3 Stakeholder panel ratings of feasibility, relevance, and likelihood to recommend for each included readiness to change measure [median, (IQR)]

From: Ready, Set, Change! Development and usability testing of an online readiness for change decision support tool for healthcare organizations


Score [Median (IQRa)]



Likelihood to recommendd

M1- Organizational Readiness for Change (Texas Christian University)

4.33 (1.67)

5.00 (1.00)

6.00 (2.75)

M2- Organizational Readiness to Change Assessment

5.17 (1.25)

5.00 (1.00)

6.00 (2.00)

M3- Long-Term Care (LTC) Readiness Tool

6.00 (0.33)

5.00 (1.00)

6.00 (2.00)

M4- Team Climate Inventory

6.00 (1.00)

5.00 (1.00)

7.00 (2.75)

M5- Measuring Practice Capacity for Change

4.00 (1.67)

3.00 (1.00)

3.00 (0.75)

M6- Perceived Organizational Readiness for Change

5.00 (1.33)

5.00 (1.00)

5.00 (2.75)

M7- Organizational Change Questionnaire-Climate of Change, Processes, and Readiness

6.00 (0.50)

6.00 (1.00)

8.00 (1.00)

M8- Organizational Information Technology Innovation Readiness Scale

5.00 (0.58)

5.00 (1.25)

5.00 (2.00)

M9- e-Health Readiness Measure

5.33 (0.67)

5.00 (0.25)

6.00 (0.75)

  1. a IQR = interquartile range (difference between 25th percentile and 75th percentile ratings)
  2. b Participants were asked to rate their level of agreement (on a scale of 1 to 7 where 1 = strongly disagree and 7 = strongly agree) with the following three statements related to feasibility: “I think this measure can be used in a timely manner”; “I think this measure can be used without causing undue burden to existing resources (e.g., human resources, cost, etc.)”; and “overall, I understand how to use this readiness assessment measure”
  3. c Participants were asked to rate their level of agreement (on a scale of 1 to 7 where 1 = strongly disagree and 7 = strongly agree) with the following statement related to relevance: “I think this measure is relevant for assessing readiness for change”
  4. d Participants were asked to rate the likelihood they would recommend the measure e.g., to a colleague or organization (on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 = not at all likely and 10 = extremely likely) by responding to the following statement: “What is the likelihood that you would recommend this measure?”