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Table 1 Optimal hyper-parameters after exhaustive grid search

From: Prediction of delayed graft function after kidney transplantation: comparison between logistic regression and machine learning methods

Statistical method



Decision tree

Class weights

auto, 0 to 0.20 and 1 to 0.80, 0 to 0.10 and 1 to 0.90, 0 to 0.05 and 1 to 0.95


Maximum depth

1 to 10 (8)


Minimum samples split

2 to nVars+1 (18)


Maximum features

auto, sqrt, log2

Random forest

Number of estimators



Class weights

auto, 0 to 0.20 and 1 to 0.80, 0 to 0.10 and 1 to 0.90, 0 to 0.05 and 1 to 0.95


Maximum depth

1 to 10 (9)


Minimum samples split

2 to nVars+1 (24)


Maximum features

auto, sqrt, log2

Random forest (full)

Number of estimators



Class weights

auto, 0 to 0.20 and 1 to 0.80, 0 to 0.10 and 1 to 0.90, 0 to 0.05 and 1 to 0.95


Maximum depth

1 to 10 (1)


Minimum samples split

2 to nVars+1 (63)


Maximum features

auto, sqrt, log2

Gradient boosting

Number of estimators



Maximum depth

1 to 10 (1)


Minimum samples split

2 to nVars+1 (9)


Maximum features

auto, sqrt, log2


Learning rate

0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01


Number of components

None or 1 to nVars +1


Regularizing parameter

0 to 1 (0.89)

Linear SVM

Class weights

auto, 0 to 0.20 and 1 to 0.80, 0 to 0.10 and 1 to 0.90, 0 to 0.05 and 1 to 0.95



0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000

Radial SVM

Class weights

auto, 0 to 0.20 and 1 to 0.80, 0 to 0.10 and 1 to 0.90, 0 to 0.05 and 1 to 0.95



0.001, 0.01, 0.1,1, 10, 100, 1000



0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001

Polynomial SVM

Class weights

auto, 0 to 0.20 and 1 to 0.80, 0 to 0.10 and 1 to 0.90, 0 to 0.05 and 1 to 0.95



0.001, 0.01, 0.1,1, 10, 100, 1000



0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001

Logistic regression

Class weights

auto, 0 to 0.20 and 1 to 0.80, 0 to 0.10 and 1 to 0.90, 0 to 0.05 and 1 to 0.95



0.001, 0.01, 0.1,1, 10, 100, 1000

  1. The hyper-parameters that are not described in this table are set to the default values used in the scikit-learn library [27]
  2. Abbreviations: LDA linear discriminant analysis, QDA quadratic discriminant analysis, SVM support vector machine