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Table 1 Appraisals of breast cancer

From: Understanding older women’s decision making and coping in the context of breast cancer treatment


A-Generic CODE question

B-Adapted CODE question^

C-Example quote†

A. Primary appraisals: breast cancer

What are the causes?

What caused my BC?

“I was shocked because it’s not in [my] family … but my husband was a heavy smoker, now I don’t know whether that was anything to do with it.”

What does this mean?

What is the prognosis for BC?

“Oh crikey, this is end of me life. This is end of me.”

How long will this last?

What are my chances of surviving this?

“…I don’t know exactly the numbers but it’s pretty high the recovery rate.”

How relevant/threatening is this?

How will BC affect my life?

“Oh no, urgh, might be bald for the wedding”

How important/ threatening is BC?

“I didn’t realise it was as serious until [name] said to me, ‘It’s quite serious you know?’ And I said, ‘Oh is it?’”

What experiences do I have of cancer?

“…my mother-in-law had breast cancer and she had it removed and she waited until the lump was that big. …I was with her actually but she didn’t last very long.”

How do I feel about this?

How do I feel about having BC?

“I mean when you’re older it’s, it doesn’t matter really as much at all. … I mean it’s still a bit scary but you know we’ve all got to get something…”

How do I feel about the way my BC was diagnosed?

“I was shocked, I know I was shocked at first because I mean I’d examined my breasts regularly and I had no idea and so I was shocked…”

How do I feel about the potential symptoms of BC I could experience?

“I only was worrying about the pain I’m going to get in time…”

How do I feel about the impact BC could have on my life?

“Well I suppose it's put a cloud over life a bit.”

B. Secondary appraisals: resources to cope with breast cancer*

Can I find out more?

Can I find out more about breast cancer from books/the internet?

“…I read it so I can hold in my memory or look forward to probably [it's] going to tell mewhat to expect … So I read every little paper I go (anywhere) and see about cancer…”

Can my physician help?

Can my doctor/nurse give me more information?

“…I was shocked [at breast cancer diagnosis] … then of course I wanted to know what was going to happen …everything was explained to me and as I said this nurse I asked her questions and it was ok after that. I didn’t worry.”

Can I talk to my family/friends?

Can a friend/relative help me find more information?

“…fortunately my daughter will come from [name] and, you know, look after me, and her husband being a doctor, she sort of knows what questions, what I ought to be asking…”

Can I get some instrumental support from family/ friends?

“…one of my daughter-in-law’s sister … bought me a stack of vitamins and - and so I still take those actually.”

Can I get emotional support from family/friends?

“…we went, my daughter-in-law went back with me and he said, ‘We’re very sorry; it was cancer.’”

Can I change how I feel about this?

Can I see a positive side to having BC?

“I’ve always said people are a lot worse and when I got to my age and I got this I thought well I’m on me way… I don’t worry about dying…”

Can I accept my BC?

“I’ve always said people are a lot worse and when I got to my age and I got this I thought well I’m on me way… I don’t worry about dying…”

Can I find a way to relax?

“…you need to, to try and accept the cancer as well and things like relaxation, reflexology and reiki…”

Could I ignore this information?

Can I distract myself/ block thoughts about BC?

“…I think then I just shut my mind to the fact that I had even cancer…”

Can I find strength in my faith?

Can I find strength in my faith?

“…I have faith. We both have, belong to the church and I’ve clung through all these things I’ve clung onto my faith even by my finger ends sometimes…”

  1. ^Those in bold are questions that were explored by many women during primary appraisal, the other questions were explored by fewer women
  2. †Good example quote of the issue being raised but the specific content is not necessarily representative of the sample
  3. *Can I express my fear?” was not adapted
  4. BC = breast cancer