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Table 1 Questionnaire results of each of the three groups

From: Practicing evidence based medicine at the bedside: a randomized controlled pilot study in undergraduate medical students assessing the practicality of tablets, smartphones, and computers in clinical life


Tablet group (sd)

Smartphone (sd)

Computer group (sd)

The practical day of evidence based medicine at the bedside was fun

2.84 (1.10)

3.0 (1.34)

2.97 (1.26)

The practical day of evidence based medicine at the bedside was worthwhile

2.61 (1.15)

2.87 (1.36)

3.22 (1.10)

I have sufficient technical skills in the literature search at the bedside

2.71 (.97)

2.84 (.90)

2.69 (.78)

I feel confident enough in the literature search at the bedside

2.58 (.88)

2.39 (.88)

2.56 (.84)

I am motivated to further work on the topic of literature at the bedside

2.58 (1.15)

2.87 (1.26)

3.25 (.98)

The literature search performed at the bedside was easy

2.29 (1.01)

1.77 (.99)

2.78 (1.21)

The literature search at the bedside was effective

2.13 (1.23)

1.68 (.87)

3.22 (1.31)

I was satisfied with my search instrument

3.35 (1.33)

2.74 (1.40)

3.63 (1.41)

I was satisfied with the screen size of my search instrument

4.10 (1.14)

2.00 (1.34)

4.06 (1.30)

I was satisfied with the mobility of my search instrument

3.90 (.94)

4.39 (1.09)

2.38 (1.34)

I was satisfied with the handling of my search instrument

3.52 (1.21)

3.19 (1.25)

3.88 (1.41)

I will try the literature search at the bedside in my next internship

2.16 (1.16)

1.87 (1.09)

2.88 (1.21)

  1. Answers were provided using a 5-point Likert scale, where 1 = “strongly disagree” and 5 = “strongly agree”.