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Table 2 Examples of quantitative assessment items from the LifeWindows project team LifeWindows Information-Motivation-Behavioral skills ART adherence questionnaire (LW-IMB-AAQ)

From: Development of a culturally appropriate computer-delivered tailored internet-based health literacy intervention for spanish-dominant hispanics living with HIV

Sample items


I am worried that other people might realize that I am HIV + if they see me taking my HIV medications.


I get frustrated taking my HIV medications because I have to plan my life around them.


I don’t like taking my HIV medications because they remind me that I am HIV + .


I feel that my healthcare provider takes my needs into account when making recommendations about which HIV medications to take.


Most people who are important to me who know I’m HIV positive support me in taking my HIV medications.


My healthcare provider doesn’t give me enough support when it comes to taking my medications as prescribed.


It frustrates me to think that I will have to take these HIV medications every day for the rest of my life.


I am worried that the HIV medications I have been prescribed will hurt my health.


It upsets me that the HIV medications I have been prescribed can affect the way I look.


It upsets me that the HIV medications I have been prescribed can cause side effects.