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Table 4 Comparison of mean scores per format for entire sample on scale of 0–3 (difference, significance value, effect size).

From: How should risk be communicated to children: a cross-sectional study comparing different formats of probability information

Variable compared



Proportion notation

Pie chart


Mean (SD)

2.37 (0.92)

1.92 (1.20)

1.88 (1.28)

2.70 (0.78)

1.29 (1.00)

Verbal label







p = .530

p = .001*

p < .001*

p = .005

p < .001*


r = .06

r = .34

r = .35

r = -.27

r = .63








p = .005

p = .002*

p < 001*

p < .001*


r = .27

r = .30

r = -.34

r = .59

Proportion – word






p = .610

p < .001*

p < .001*


r = .05

r = .53

r = .48

Proportion – notation





p < .001*

p < .001*


r = -.50

r = .41

Pie chart




p = .001*


r = .72

  1. * Significant at p =< .003 level (Bonferroni correction)