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Table 3 Examples of not supported claims

From: Accuracy of drug advertisements in medical journals under new law regulating the marketing of pharmaceutical products in Switzerland





Reasons for non-support

False statement


As effective as the best, as safe as the

Leeb et al. Orthopädie 33: 1032–1041, 2004

Only comparator to acemetacin was diclofenac which is neither the most effective nor the safest non-steroidal antirheumatic drug

Exaggeration of efficacy

Relpax® (Eletriptan)

Eliminates pain

Sandrini G et al. Neurology 59:1210–1217, 2002

At 24 hours only 24%(40 mg) and 29%(80 mg) of patients treated with eletriptan were pain-free

Unjustified generalization

Xefo® (Lornoxicam)

Safe for heart and circulation

Tsurko V et al. Ter Arkh 74:63–6, 2002

Only blood pressure and heart rate measured. No hard endpoints evaluated

Absence of relation

Duphalac® (Laktulose)

Fast and permanent effect on constipation

Ballongue et al. Scand J Gast 32 Suppl. 222: 41–44, 1997

Constipation not an outcome of the study.

Unjustified transfer to humans

Duspatalin® (Mebeverin)

Effective in all cases of irritable bowel syndrome

Boisson J et al. Chir. Digest.16: 289–292, 1987

Animal study (pigs)