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Table 1 Survey Questions

From: Physicians' perceptions of an electronic health record-based clinical trial alert approach to subject recruitment: A survey


Possible responses

1. Did you know about the existence of the ACCORD clinical trial at CCF prior to being presented with the ACCORD Clinical Trial Alert (CTA)?

__ Yes __ No

2. Did you appreciate being reminded during the patient encounter that your patient might be eligible for the ACCORD clinical trial?

__ Yes __ No

3. How did you respond when presented with the Clinical Trial Alert?

__ a. I chose "No" to Cancel the alert EVERY TIME

__ b. I chose "No" to Cancel the alert SOMETIMES

__ c. I always chose "Yes" in order to proceed to the CTA's Smart-Set

__ d. I don't recall

4. If you ever chose "No" to cancel, please rank all reasons in order of how frequently they influenced your decision to disregard the CTA: (1-most common reason, 5-least common reason)

__ I didn't have time to respond

__ I already knew my patient would not qualify for the study

__ I didn't feel knowledgeable enough about the trial to discuss it

__ I felt that discussing this trial would adversely impact the doctor-patient relationship

__ Other: (please type your other reason(s)): _____

5. How comfortable are you discussing participation in clinical trials with your patients, in general?


Uncomfortable Somewhat Comfortable Very Comfortable

6. How comfortable were you asking your patient(s) to consider the participating in the ACCORD trial?


Uncomfortable Somewhat Comfortable Very Comfortable or

__(I Never Asked)

7. Overall, how easy was the Clinical Trial Alert system to use?


Difficult Moderately Easy Very Easy

8. Overall, how intrusive did you find the Clinical Trial Alert(s) to be during the patient care?


Not Intrusive Somewhat Intrusive Very Intrusive

9. Overall, did you find you wanted more information about the trial provided with the alert?

__ Yes, the information provided was NOT adequate

__ No, the information provided was adequate

10. How interested would you be in seeing such alerts for future clinical trials?


Not Interested Somewhat Interested Very Interested

11. (part 1) If these alerts were improved so that they appeared only if a patient were definitely eligible for a clinical trial, how interested would you be in receiving such alerts for future trials?


Not Interested Somewhat Interested Very Interested

11. (part 2) If still not interested, why not?

__ a. I'm too busy to participate in such activities

__ b. I don't want to discuss clinical trial participation with my patient

__ c. Other: (please specify)______

12. If your patient were eligible for more than one ongoing clinical trial, would you be interested in receiving an alert about each of them, only one, or none?

__ a. Each – an alert for each trial and I will choose

__ b. Only one – an alert for the trial that is probably the best fit for my patient

__ c. None – I don't want to see any alerts about clinical trials for which my patient may be eligible

13. Is this a technology that you would like to use for your future trials?

__ a. Yes, I would like to use CTAs for my future clinical trials

__ b. No, I would prefer to use only traditional methods of recruitment

__ c. I do not conduct clinical trials

14. Please provide at least one suggestion for improving the CTA in the future?

(free text response)

15. Please provide any additional comments you wish:

(free text response)