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Table 1 Descriptions of the hypothetical illnesses and postoperative adverse effects used

From: Utilities of the Post-anesthesia State derived by the Standard Gamble method in surgical patients



Trivial hypothetical illness

You have an itchy red skin rash on your back. Your clothes cover it up and if you put special cream on it once a day, you feel fine. There is no scarring. There is no cure, but the cream is safe to use forever.

Debilitating hypothetical illness

You always feel very cold, no matter what the weather. You spend the whole day in bed, wearing all your clothes, constantly shivering. Your teeth chatter constantly so that it's impossible for you to speak clearly. You can't work, use the telephone or drive a car. People stare at you in public, so you don't go out. There is no cure or treatment for this disease.


It is the day after your surgery. All your muscles ache for the whole day, as if you had flu. The ache gets worse when you try to move, but you manage to get around


You are lying on your side, awake and aware of your surroundings in the recovery room. You are extremely queasy, as if you were on a boat in rough seas. The least movement makes the nausea worse


You are lying on your back, awake and aware of your surroundings in the recovery room. Your surgical incision really hurts, as if a knife was stabbing you. Movement makes the pain worse, and no position seems to make it better

Urinary retention

You are in the recovery room, awake and alert. You want to pass urine (water) but no matter how hard you try, none comes out


You are lying on your side, awake and aware of your surroundings in the recovery room. You feel waves of nausea and are throwing up. Your abdominal and chest muscles ache from vomiting