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Figure 1 | BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making

Figure 1

From: Creating a medical English-Swedish dictionary using interactive word alignment

Figure 1

ILink screen shot. Screen shot of a portion of the interactive linker ILink – the Link panel window. Here a sentence pair in English and Swedish is active and an interactive alignment is taking place. So far seven alignments have been made (Removal-Avlägsnande, of-av, implant-implantat, or-eller, external-externt, fixation device-fixationsmaterial, and from-från). The current suggestion is palate-gom to which the annotater can respond with Accept or Reject (or go back and change other alignments). When the alignment of the sentence pair is complete, the button Done is pressed and all decisions made by the annotator are stored as training data on four different levels (word form, base form, parts-of-speech and function) which are indicated in the lower left corner of the screen shot. These dynamic resources are later used by the automatic aligner ITrix.

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