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Figure 5 | BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making

Figure 5

From: The tissue micro-array data exchange specification: a web based experience browsing imported data

Figure 5

Producing a legend. The style file specifies the layout of the array (or matrix) and the legend cell contents and colors using a simple XML language defined in the addStyles conditional section of tmades.dtd. These 26 definitions (ex. core-location-id, row-label, cell-color) allow specification of the TMA layout. They are supplemented by common and locally defined data elements that are nested under the core data element (ex. core_TISSUE, core_histo-repository_donor-block) which may be used to determine the legend cell color and contents and the details columns. Referencing this DTD causes validation of the entries that specify labelling, row and column grouping of cell identifiers, legend cell contents and colors. Cell identifiers (ex. A1, R1C1, or 1.1) are specified in rows with row and column labels interspersed inside the matrix element. The legend-cell-content element contains a list of clinical data items that should be placed in each cell in the HTML legend table. The legend-cell-colors element contains a clinical data item and a list of cell-color elements. The data from the XML export file corresponding to the specified core data item (core_TISSUE is used here) is compared against the substring and exact-match entries inside the cell-color elements and the corresponding color is used for the legend cell in the HTML legend table when a match is found.

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