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Table 1 Information and Information Architecture Issues and Solutions

From: Evidence-based patient choice: a prostate cancer decision aid in plain language



Complex information

• Organize and structure document for ease of understanding and use, including use of summary tables


• Create affective appeal using individual vignettes


• Describe all elements of treatment process patients experience

Engage the reader in the social context

• Use pictures captioned with comments from men of varying ethnicities


• Suggest connection with trusted others and other patients


• Recognize and address feelings of fear

No mandatory autonomy

• Suggest that decisions may be made by the patient or delegated to the doctor, or trusted individual.


• Suggest shared decision making is compatible with keeping or delegating

Anticipate cultural issues

• African Americans are likely to be sensitive to potential to withhold treatment in the name of watchful waiting.


• African Americans frequently are diagnosed with more severe disease relative to whites.


• Sources of authoritative advice vary among ethnic groups. These can be acknowledged subtly in text

Translate medical words, but do not eliminate technical information

• Define words and include a glossary

Creating/choosing appropriate pictures

• Simplify anatomical drawings to include only necessary visual information


• Include realistic picture of torso, with head included to provide conceptual context


• Include photographs of men who look serious, but not devastated

Graphic Design and Layout: Use evidence-based document design principles

• Spacing to emphasize different points and topic changes


• Wide margins to make text less dense


• Adequate page size to keep information on a topic on one page


• Graphic design that draws the reader through the booklet


• Text design that keeps related information in close proximity

Plain language

• Use conversational words and sentence structure, even if not standard grammar


• Keep the writing tight. Eliminate unnecessary words.


• Keep the tone friendly and personal, speaking directly to the reader.


• Explain technical language even though it adds words. Assumptions behind technical words must be included


• Make scientific references available on the website, but do not include in the text