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Table 3 Themes from the interviews. The themes, typically appearing in open-ended questions, are sorted in descending order by the number of physicians providing answers attributable to the given theme. In the "Tasks" column, the tasks to which each answer is attributed are sorted in descending order by number of physicians commenting the task. In the "Typical quote" column, the quotes are followed by the physician's specialty in parentheses.

From: Task-oriented evaluation of electronic medical records systems: development and validation of a questionnaire for physicians


No. of physicians (no. of quotes)

The tasks mentioned in relation to this theme, by number of physicians:

Typical quote








Work role issues

8 (34)



6, 9, 8, 24

2, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 20, 21, 22

The third method would be the "ask-the-nurse" method. This is convenient, though, then I may do other things. [In the future] It could be that it will be so easy to do it, that I could do it myself...if it's really easy, a completely negligible task. But if it takes some time..if I have to wait or something..then I feel that it should be a medical secretary's task, at least in a hospital. (respiratory diseases)


Wording problems

7 (21)



4, 21

1, 7, 12, 13, 22

I don't understand what you mean with "directly"...write orders on the [order entry form], request or order an other [example] is requesting treatment by physiotherapist (orthopedy)


Questions regarding use of non-existent functionality

7 (11)



6, 9, 14, 15, 18

Some questions are difficult to answer, as we can't log on [to the EMR system] and find results from X-ray investigations (plastic surgery)


Distinguishing EMR from other software or media

6 (8)



2, 3, 6, 7

Is [the separate lab system] regarded as a part of [the EMR system]? (neurology)


Task not fully applicable to clinical work

6 (10)


8, 20, 21


I've hardly ever been there. I spend a lot of my time providing information [to the patient] verbally. Written information is rarely demanded [by the patient]. I'm sceptical towards providing it in writing...because it must be individualized, and that's much harder in writing than verbally...and if I do, it will usually be copies of notes from the medical record. (oncology)


Functionality missed by the respondent

5 (7)


..well, this is about everyday work, after all. You don't ask about what [in the EMR system] might be improved...This is all only about what's already there. (orthopedy)


Distinguishing other employee's use of the system from one's own

5 (6)




Here I was wondering whether you mean the notes I write myself, or the dictation and [the text] typed by others. I'd recon that it would include dictation. (neurology)


EMR only partly supports the defined task

5 (12)


1, 3, 19

2, 4, 22

Well, you use [the EMR system], too, but you may never write any of those things without having the rest of the medical record available. You sort of get "black-and-white" alternatives, without being permitted to comment anything. It's not a simple yes or no type of question. After all, you can't found your work on [the EMR system] only. (oncology)


Knowing the EMR functionality

3 (8) [writing a prescription] available here? Sick leave forms, too? (neurology)