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Table 9 Logistic regression on readmission within seven days for all DDs comparing local and external medical history (Hypothesis 3)

From: The impact of EHR and HIE on reducing avoidable admissions: controlling main differential diagnoses

Theory variables in the equation

All DDs ( N=43,030)

GE ( N=1,900)

AP ( N=7,511)

UTI ( N=2,909)

CP ( N=26,026)

PO ( N=4,684)

Local history viewed

1.272 (0.050)

1.149 (0.482)

1.393 0(.203)

1.082 (0.894)

1.301 (0.114)

0.763 (0.526)


0.989 (<0.001)

0.986 (<0.001)

0.991 (0.026)

1.003 (0.783)

0.988 (<0.001)

0.980 (0.009)


1.435 (<0.001)

1.117 (0.343)

1.092 (0.576)

1.137 (0.777)

1.587 (<0.001)

1.019 (0.947)


1.334 (0.002)

0.716 (0.016)

1.466 (0.050)

0.915 (0.877)

1.438 (0.002)

0.931 (0.884)


0.000 (0.998)

0.000 (1.000)

0.000 (0.998)

0.000 (0.999)

0.000 (0.999)

0.000 (0.999)

  1. Note. a Coded 0 = external history viewed, 1= local history viewed. (all similar tables below use the same abbreviations).