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Table 6 Logistic regression on single-day admissions for all DDs for external medical history (Hypothesis 2a)

From: The impact of EHR and HIE on reducing avoidable admissions: controlling main differential diagnoses

Theory variables in the equation

All DDs ( N=115,719)

GE ( N=7,165)

AP ( N=21,579)

UTI ( N=6,950)

CP ( N=67,650)

PO ( N=12,375)

External history viewed

0.760 (<0.001)

0.648 (0.014)

0.649 (<0.001)

0.917 (0.590)

0.844 (<0.001)

0.876 (0.445)


0.979 (<0.001)

0.982 (<0.001)

0.977 (<0.001)

0.985 (<0.001)

0.968 (<0.001)

0.982 (<0.001)


0.960 (0.005)

1.004 (0.933)

0.967 (0.285)

0.904 (0.263)

0.822 (<0.001)

1.047 (0.478)


0.859 (<0.001)

0.786 (<0.001)

0.936 (0.052)

0.864 (0.132)

0.891 (<0.001)

0.962 (0.609)


1.029 (0.189)

0.986 (0.822)

1.224 (<0.001)

0.298 (<0.001)

2.547 (<0.001)

0.260 (<0.001)