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Table 1 Check list of baseline parameters

From: Risk factors for adverse reactions from contrast agents for computed tomography


Allergic History


 For radio contrast, antibiotics, and any drugs.

Contrast agent concentration

Medical history

Total contrast agent dose

 Atopic dermatitis, asthma, urticaria, diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia


Laboratory values


 BUN*, Cre†, Na, K, Cl, T-bil‡, AST§, ALT** , LDH††, Glu‡‡, HgbA1c§§, WBC***, Hgb†††, Plt‡‡‡,

  1. BUN*: Blood urea nitrogen. Cre†: Creatinine. T-bil‡ Total-bilirubin. AST§: Aspartate aminotransferase. ALT**: Alanine aminotransferase. LDH††: Lactate dehydrogenase. Glu‡‡: Glucose. HgbA1c§§: Hemoglobin A1c. WBC***: White Blood Cell. Hgb†††: Hemoglobin. Plt‡‡‡: Platelet.