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Table 6 Average time per researcher spent extracting data from each website

From: An evaluation of the content and quality of tinnitus information on websites preferred by General Practitioners


Minutes (SD)

Map of Medicine

35 (0)


50 (17)

GP notebook

40 (5)


55 (5)


50 (5)


35 (9)

GP online

50 (10)

Action on Hearing Loss

35 (9)

45 (5)

NHS Choice

35 (0)

  1. Section1, Section 2 and Overall score for each website are presented as mean of all questions (8 questions in Section 1, 7 questions in Section 2, 15 questions overall). Values are averages corrected to one decimal place. Websites are listed in rank order of overall score. Scores can range 0 to 5 where a score less than 5 suggests some ‘potentially important but not serious shortcomings’ and a score of less than 3 suggests some ‘potentially serious shortcomings’ in the information. BTA = British Tinnitus Association, CKS = Clinical Knowledge Summaries.