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Figure 3 | BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making

Figure 3

From: A study of diverse clinical decision support rule authoring environments and requirements for integration

Figure 3

DDI Editor (interaction between Warfarin and Sulfamethoxazole). On the right pane, a user can search for existing DDIs or add a new DDI by entering a drug name (e.g., Warfarin) in the Medicine search field. The search returns existing DDI records organized by Warfarin concepts coded by the First Data Bank Hierarchical Ingredient Code Sequence Number (HIC-SEQN). For example, H2084 is the HIC-SEQN for Warfarin. In the top right panel, the Editor provides some links to HIC_SEQN and Partners local drug dictionary. 395:2 represents a DDI record for Warfarin, where 395 is a system-generated DDI identifier and 2 is the level of the intervention (i.e., interruptive). The other two levels of intervention are 1- dead stop and 3 - non-interruptive. A text box appears when the user hovers over 395:2 and shows more information about the DDI. To view the details of a DDI, a user can click on one of the DDI records or type the DDI identifier in the Record # box in the top left panel of the DDI Editor. On the left panel, the Editor displays the details of a DDI, including message, locally defined category, intervention level, drugs in Partners drug dictionary that are mapped to the HIC-SEQN, conditions and action. The user can modify existing DDI or define a new DDI using the user interface on the left panel.

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