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Table 2 Statistics about the semantic type lists.

From: Combining classifiers for robust PICO element detection


ULMS Semantic type identifiers


List 1 (Living Beings)

Age Group (T100), Family Group (T099), Group (T096), Human (T016), Patient or Disabled Group (T101), Population Group (T098)


List 2 (Disorders)

Acquired Abnormality (T020), Anatomical Abnormality (T190), Cell or Molecular Dysfunction (T049), Congenital Abnormality (T019), Disease or Syndrome (T047), Experimental Model of Disease (T050), Finding (T033), Injury or Poisoning (T037), Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction (T048), Neoplastic Process (T191), Pathologic Function (T046), Sign or Symptom (T184)


List 3 (Chemicals & Drugs)

Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein (T116), Antibiotic (T195), Biologically Active Substance (T123), Biomedical or Dental Material (T122), Carbohydrate (T118), Chemical (T103), Chemical Viewed Functionally (T120), Chemical Viewed Structurally (T104), Clinical Drug (T200), Eicosanoid (T111), Element, Ion, or Isotope (T196), Enzyme (T126), Hazardous or Poisonous Substance (T131), Hormone (T125), Immunologic Factor (T129), Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid (T130), Inorganic Chemical (T197), Lipid (T119), Neuroreactive Substance or Biogenic Amine (T124), Nucleic Acid, Nucleoside, or Nucleotide (T114), Organic Chemical (T109), Organophosphorus Compound (T115), Pharmacologic Substance (T121), Receptor (T192), Steroid (T110), Vitamin (T127)
