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Table 2 Themes and Participant quotations

From: Weight management personas of breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy in China: a multi-method study



“I ain’t got no fancy knowledge about managing weight, but I do know one thing for sure: packing on pounds ain’t good news, especially when you’re dealing with chemo. Heard from another patient that weight gain comes with the territory, so gotta watch what you eat. But why? That’s still a mystery to me.” (N15)

“I never gave a darn about my weight and never even crossed my mind to bother.” (N3)

“I weigh myself once a week, but I am more concerned about the treatment.” (N2)

The perception of weight management while undergoing chemotherapy

“I’m just not feeling hungry at all, can’t even force myself to eat, feels like those pregnancy days when food was a no-go. Not feeling the urge to chow down. Plus, I’m kinda queasy too.” (N10)

“My muscles were just plain weak all over.” (N11)

“My body feels like it’s on empty, real weak. Sometimes I’m just counting down the minutes till I can crash cause every time I’m up, I’m tossing my cookies.” (N3)

“It is a negative experience. I’m afraid of death. The more that I know, the heavier the burden I have.” (N13)

“I’m feeling old and out of touch. Ain’t in the mood to chat with anyone. Can’t seem to find any zest for life. Nothing makes me unhappy nor happy.” (N8)

Symptoms and emotional disturbance

“I will pay more attention to nutrition than before, and now I will buy some high-nutrition food to eat.” (N11)

“Gotta chow down on more protein-rich grub. My white blood cells are taking a nosedive, so loading up on the good stuff.” (N5)

“I’m beefing up on meat for that protein boost. Also, I’m loading up on more fruit.” (N15)

“I’ve been keeping it light with home-cooked meals and cutting down on takeout.” (N9)

“I hit the jump rope 1 or 2 times a week, knocking out about 3000 jumps each session.” (N12)

“I’m all about that cardio life. I’m following this Keep app at home for jump fitness and stretching routines, hitting it up 3–4 times a week.” (N7)

“I do not exercise during chemotherapy.” (N10)

Diet and exercise change

“I read and study the literature recommended by hospitals or doctors.” (N6)

“I’m part of this WeChat crew for breast cancer fighters, where we swap stories, tips, and all that jazz.” (N1)

“The rehab doc gave me the green light to start working out, so I dove in and slowly cranked up the intensity bit by bit.” (N5)

“We do whatever the doctor says.” (N9)

“I’ve been googling stuff online, trying to figure out what foods are gonna do me good.” (N15)

“I’m hooked on this hospital and doctor’s WeChat page. They shoot out these little articles about different sicknesses.” (N14)

Health literacy and information seeking