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Table 4 Difference in framing bias between low and high performance groups for each numeracy measure

From: Health numeracy in Japan: measures of basic numeracy account for framing bias in a highly numerate population

Group (n)a




Low (119)

High (181)

Low (139)

High (161)

Numeracy score (Median ± IQR)

2 ± 1


7 ± 2


Difference in rated risk (mean ± SD)b

−0.22 ± 0.85

−0.02 ± 0.81

−0.22 ± 0.89

−0.00 ± 0.78

  1. an, number of respondents in each group.
  2. bDifference in rated risk was calculated as the difference between survival-rate frame scores and death-rate frame scores. Scores between subgroups were compared using non-parametric methods, but means are presented because median scores did not show differences between sub-groups.